Tuesday, October 19, 2004

october sky

i'm back but i'm leaving again soon. for all who aren't familiar with, i'm doing UN work as a travel photographer. i'll be covering two events this time. one is a grand opening of a mall and the other a surfing competition. i may even shoot a small rock concert next month, if time permits.

i hope teeter-totter kerry loses. i'm for bush. he's butt ugly but i like him. i don't think it's that difficult to lead a nation. in fact, i have the solutions to the philippines' top five problems:

1. rice prices are too high - don't eat rice.
2. meat prices are too high - eat vegetables.
3. vegetable prices are too high - get a job.
4. salary too low - get a higher paying job.
5. gas prices are too high - tumae ka ng gasolina. isang barrel.

see? how hard was that? now, let's all get back to reality.
i still have some unwork to do.


Anonymous said...

ok ah, meron ka na photo gig. good luck!

damien to tobit said...

Scholl! hehehe