Sunday, May 22, 2005

tkb stove

i ripped off several alcohol stove designs to make one that's easier to build. no glue. no leaks. boils 500ml water in six minutes. uses denatured alcohol (95%, 190 proof). blue flame, but not in these photos*. good for 30 minutes.

upon initial lighting

flame ports start to light after 90 seconds

jet flames after two minutes

cookset sits on top of the stove, no need for tripods

center flame can reach two feet high!

the center hole IS the fuel tank

mountain dew and pepsi-x, can be used as ashtrays

shorty, literally. made from scraps, lasts only 5 minutes.

*blue flame is difficult to see under bright light. 70% isopropyl alcohol was used to get the yellow flame.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


surprise, surprise... i'm working. haha. i'm like the antagonist of myself. my reputation is ruined.